Route description

Directions by Google

By car:

GPS:E9° 03’27”N 61° 01’59”

From Oslo to Furulund Pensjonat is 200 km. This is about a three-hour-drive.

  • from Oslo – Sandvika follow the E18
  • follow the E16 in the direction of Fagernes
  • from Fagernes keep following the E16 in the direction of Bergen and after about 15 km you approach the village Røn. Soon you will see the sign for Furulund on the right hand side. (An electric car charging station is within walking distance)

From Oslo-Gardermoen airport to Furulund Pensjonat is 195 km.
This is a three-hour-drive approximately..

  • from Gardermoen – follow the E16 to Hønnefoss
  • follow the E16 in the direction of Fagernes
  • from Fagernes keep following the E16 in the direction of Bergen and after about 15 km you approach the village Røn. Soon you will see the sign for Furulund on the right hand side.

By bus:

  • Valdresekspress (line 160/161) drives seven times a day from Oslo to Fagernes (3 hours) after which the bus travels on to Røn.

From Gardermoen airfield: